Winter 2022
On February 5th, 2022, Tourisme Charlevoix published a special branded issue in La Presse+. The content consisted of a custom dynamic cover, five branded content pieces, and a full screen ad.

Encourage readers to book overnight stays in the Charlevoix region during winter, and increase traffic at tourist sites, thus positioning the area as a base ground from which tourists can enjoy the endless possibilities of the season.
Strategy Create a special branded issue (multiscreen) in La Presse+ featuring a wide variety of activities in different areas of Charlevoix. This special feature was also published in the special issues section of the La Presse+ application.
A La Presse special branded issue requires a great deal of cooperation and commitment from both teams for the project to be a complete success. The professionalism and thoroughness of our respective teams contributed greatly to this success. The final product is breathtaking!
31 Average time 5+ seconds per screen -
3 826 Total number of clicks -
175 874 Scope
63 Average time 5+ seconds per screen -
697 Total number of clicks -
4 587 Scope