Why Advertise in La Presse

The leader in digital information

La Presse has been part of people’s daily routine in Quebec for over 125 years. Our readers use our platforms to stay informed each and every day.

Our mission is to make high-quality information available to everyone for free.

Atelier La Presse propels this mission. As are you, by investing in our platforms. It’s a real collaborative effort.

  • 4 million Quebecers read La Presse every month

    (La Presse captures people’s hearts and minds.)

    Source: Comscore, multiplatform, Quebec adults 18+, average monthly unique users/visitors from January 2020 to November 2024. Internet population Qc 18+: 6 123 000
  • 42% of our 2021 ad revenue came from ad offerings that didn’t exist in 2017

    (Because constant innovation is our mantra.)

  • 64% total reach in Quebec

    (What can we say, La Presse reaches a whole lot of people.)

    Source: Comscore, multiplatform, Quebec adults 18+, La Presse [P] (tablet app, mobile app, website (on computer or mobile). January 2020 to December 2024. Quebec Internet audience 18+: 6 123 000
  • Over 76%

    Viewability of our ad formats far exceeds industry standards

    (Why throw your money out the window?)

    Source: Google Ad Manager. Average of formats offered
A cultivated readership

Few media outlets can claim to have an audience that is as engaged, educated and curious as ours. We’re fortunate and we know it. That’s why we’re so committed to our faithful readers who trust us to fact-check every word, thoroughly research every story and deliver premium content.

Learn more about our readership
  • 97 %

    of our readers feel La Presse offers quality content

  • 70 %

    of our readers log on to our platforms using their ID

  • 100 %

    of impressions delivered in audience campaigns use primary data

1 Atelier. 3 expert teams.

For ad campaigns that get results, Atelier La Presse draws on 3 expert teams: Canevas to create and implement innovative ad formats, XTRA and its some 40 brand specialists to develop compelling content and Radar to scour and analyze data and stay ahead of new trends.

The Canevas Team

The canvas where our creative team comes up with original and disruptive ideas for innovative digital ads.

The Radar Team

The lab where our specialists break down and analyze data so we can better advise you and maximize the performance of your placements.

The XTRA Team

The studio where our artists have fun and get creative with their pens, photo and video cameras to create engaging and highly relevant branded content pieces.

Awards and distinctions
  • 2022 Idéa competition

    3 Idéa awards/Desjardins “Libres échanges” campaign

    1 Idéa award/Volkswagen “J’te passe les clés” campaign

  • 2021 Idéa competition

    Media Partner Award/Desjardins “Grand Mouvement” project

    In partnership with other local media outlets

    (a fine example of what the “Mouvement média d’ici” is working toward)

  • Pressboard 2021

    Top 100 branded content partnerships

    - Volkswagen “J’te passe les clés” campaign

    - Subaru “Dominez l’hiver” special issue

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