Our Ecosystem
Our all-digital ecosystem is the result of a bold transition that began in 2010 in response to the seismic shift in the media landscape, when we decided that innovation was the key to delivering content. Today we take great pride in our unique ecosystem and its enormous reach.
monthly reach across all platformsMost people in Quebec (including your current and potential customers) consume content on our platforms.
Source: Comscore, multiplatform, Quebec adults 18+, La Presse [P] (tablet app, mobile app, website (on computer or mobile). January 2020 to December 2024. Quebec Internet audience 18+: 6 123 000 -
3 916 000
unique users per month across all platformsThis makes La Presse the most popular news media website in Quebec.
Source: Comscore, multiplatform, Quebec adults 18+, average monthly unique users/visitors from January 2020 to November 2024. -
1 982 000
social media followersOur reach extends beyond our platforms, where some of our readers hang out (when they’re not reading La Presse).
average viewability of a half page ad across the ecosystemA multiplatform strategy provides optimal visibility to ensure you reach your target audience where they are.
Source: Google Ad Manager. Average of formats offered
La Presse+ is an effective engagement platform that combines the advantages of traditional and digital media so you get the best of both worlds. La Presse+ readers are attentive, well-informed and loyal and we are able to analyze their behaviour to develop results-driven strategies.
252 800 daily unique tabletsSource: Snowplow, daily average unique tablets, January, 2020 to November, 2024.
52 minutes average time spent on La Presse+ on weekends (40 minutes on weekdays)Source: Snowplow, 2021-2023, average time spent on Saturday and Sunday
100% viewability of a dynamic full screen ad -
0,75% average clickthrough rate for a dynamic full screen adSource: GAM August 2024 to January 2025
LaPresse.ca is the go-to news site for 3 out of 5 Quebecers. The website is computer-, tablet- and mobile- friendly, attracts a huge amount of traffic every day and is SEO-optimized.
601 300 unique users every daySource: Snowplow, daily average unique cookies, January, 2020 to November, 2024.
87% visibility for a 970 x 415 px bannerSource: GAM August 2024 to January 2025
0,31% average clickthrough rate for a 970 x 415 px bannerSource: GAM August 2024 to January 2025
86 Google domain authority ranking for good SEO
More and more readers install our mobile app every day. People look at it multiple times a day in all kinds of scenarios. Our mobile strategy takes this into account to optimize your ad campaigns.
325 500 unique users every daySource: Snowplow, daily average, January, 2020 to November, 2024.
87% visibility for a medium rectangle ad (300 x 250 px)Source: GAM August 2024 to January 2025
0,39% average clickthrough rate for a half page ad (300 x 600 px)Source: GAM August 2024 to January 2025
4 average daily sessions per user